Friday, September 2, 2016

Coding Opportunities

Do you like technology? Would you like to learn more about technology and how to use it? Coding is one way to do that. Coding is a way of writing "instructions" for computers and other devices and telling them what to do.

Here are some opportunities to learn more about coding:

1. The McWane Center has a monthly free event called "Super Code Sunday" for kids ages 9-17. It's free to attend, but pre-registration is required. Register here. This article explains more about the club and reports about the first meeting that was held in February 2016.

2. is a great website to help you explore the world of coding and computer science. You may have participated in the "Hour of Code" at school last year using this website. 

3. Khan Academy also has lots of lessons on coding and computer science. Ask your teacher for more details.